Well, we finally bought a Sony KDF-E55A20 3LCD HDTV rear projection (720p), and we are fairly satisfied, but we haven't gotten the HD set top box yet, so we are watching low resolution tv. Disappointenly, the DVD's don't look too exceptional, even when progressive scanning upconverts it to 480p. We are hoping that getting an HD box and maybe the Avia dvd will resolve some of these issues. There is no audio system hooked up yet, but we're gonna get a new system pretty soon. Anyways, here are some questions. Instead of getting an HD set top box, what do you guys think of cable card? It would seem that with cable card the picture would be the best since its a direct connection, and we wouldn't have to spend money on an HDMI cable. Is this true? Do you guys think cable card will have an image simular to the one obtained through an HDMI connection? Also, the tv has a built in HD receiver, and I was wondering whether you can use just a basic antenna (rather than an HD antenna) to receive an HD signal? Also, are most HD broadcasts in 720p? Last question, is there a dvd I can rent that has a calibration section (like THX)? I remember reading somewhere on this forum to rent a certain Star Wars movie. Anything else?
Well sorry I asked all these questions, maybe I should of posted them individually on seperate threads. By the way, the people at my cable company don't know crap.