I've tried quite a few over the years. My advice would be to first, have a dedicated circuit installed. It will cost~$250.00 and will do more to isolate against power line noise that would normally occur from having other things on the same circuit (i.e., cordless phones, clocks, lamps with CFL, etc) in a conventional wiring scheme.
Second, try to determine what power mains problems you have in your area. It may be voltage sag, voltage transients, or noise. Then you can look for a PLC that addresses those issues. If these aren't an issue, them something like a Brickwall, ZeroSurge (what I use as I had the dedicated line installed and minimal noise issues) or APC surge arrestor should be sufficient.
Third, make sure you can demo before you buy.
If you have bucks to burn, a balanced power supply (Equitech, BPT) are quite good.
If you have muy expensivo components then I would also recommend the offerings from Running Springs Audio.
Hope this helps.