I'm using a pioneer 1015 with my BIC's. Before that I used a Pioneer 912. The 1015 is more powerful, and sounds better. The 912 sounded a little thin compared to the 1015.
First and foremost, I'd look for a receiver that has the features and input/outputs you need, and go with it. I've never listened to a yamaha receiver, but I've read that they are brighter sounding. I really like HK which is warmer sounding like the pioneer receivers. The Bic's are bright out of the box, so I'd probably look at the HK's and Pioneers on your list. The auto MCACC on the 1015 works very well.
Any of those receivers on your list should sound great. The Bic's are an efficient speaker that doesn't require crazy amounts of power.
Oh yeah, send those crossovers to Ed Frias if you plan on listening to a lot of music.