8 rooms
There are 8 primary zones in house (mbr, guestbr, livrm, famrm, den, office#1, office#2 and kitchen).
I've since added an "extra" zone in my garage where gym equipment is. This is fortunate as garage is next to wiring closet.
Den and kitchen are stereo only (kitchen has composite video for under-cabinet dvd/tv).
Other rooms support 5.1 audio and 2-way hdmi/component video, IR, etc.
I basically want to monitor/control/switch all data coming into/out of home...and I mean everything.
I've written custom home automation software in Java (JASM) to manage the whole thing. You can find out more at
I'm even adding a BOB text-overlay unit so I can put out home status on video channels. Will probably overlay this text onto cctv channels that are audio only (freq. scanner, world-band radio, etc.).
The IR/RF Harmony remote appeals to me as maybe I can ditch local IR control in favor of blasting RF all the way to wiring closet.
It's crazy...I'll admit...but then I am too! So it's a perfect match.
Other than cabling costs...purchases have been relatively minor to this point...but now I've got to start shelling out money for a/v multi-zone equipment...so now I need to do more research...hence my presence here.