I have a KV32HS420 HDTV Monitor, STR-DE945 A/V Receiver, DVP-NC600 DVD/CD player, an HDTV Cable box (from Comcast), and a VCR. I have done different setups on paper and am trying to figure out what the best way to do this would be. I have read the simpler the setup the better, and to also use the highest possible connections as possible. First off my Rec'r does not have component I/O. It has composite in, S-Video I (O for monitor) and digital audio connections (optical and coaxial).
Would it work best if...
(1) I connected all of my video sources directly to the HDTV since that has 2 component inputs (for HD box & DVD) and use the Composite I/O for the VCR and then run the compisite audio out from the HDTV to the Rec'r?
Or (2) should I run all of the video to the HDTV and all of the Audio to the A/V rec'r? If I use setup (2) I could use the best video connections available for the DVD and HD box and then use the digital audio into the A/V rec'r?
Option (1) would be a much neater hookup but I'm trying to get the best possible hookup, not necassarily the neatest. Or some other option?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.