Hey Guys!,
I need some help. I purchased the Yamaha RX-Z1 about a year ago when I relocated. During the move, the movers . . . lost a crate - the crate that had my Yamaha DSP-A1. Wouldn't ya know, the moving company informed me . . . the missing crate has been found. The DSP-A1 is as beautiful as ever (the gold model). Now that I have both, I'm not sure which to hang-on to. Running both (in different areas of my house of course) seems overkill.
Any suggestions on which to keep and why? I know the RX-Z1 is . . . bigger, has a little more power, and I'm hoping - genuinely new IP chips (not just new names). I'm aware of the rear center speaker difference. Other than that (I have my favorite DSP modes, and both have them) - which one would be a better . . . "keeper"?