Best Home theatre in a box with wireless rears under 700



Audioholic Intern
Hi all i am looking for a HTIB and need some expert advice becuse all the stats and stuff are over my head.

i already have a blu-ray player, and a large lcd tv, im just looking for better sound for music, games and movies.

id like to get somthing with the best sound for under 700 bucks that has rear wireless speakers, i do have a power plug in in the rear area so thats not a problem i just cant run wires from the unit// which would be near my tv, to the rear wires.

since i have a blu ray already i dont need dvd/blu ray but dont mind if its included.

So im looking for a nice htib so i can have surround sound for blu ray movies, good music sound (louder then my tvs built in speakers) etc.

all your advice is appreciated, thank you so very much
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

Welcome to the forums ranthore! Around here we don't do bose or many HTiB although someone may come along with some suggestions. Were not snooty or anything, its just that we prefer to steer folks down the right path for a Home Theater. Bose is all name, no highs or lows, it must be bose. HTiB are a dead end street IMO.

For $700 you could get a nice receiver and a pair of bookshelf speakers that sound great. But I know 0 about HTiB systems, sorry.



Audioholic Spartan
i didnt mention bose???
No, you didn't, but you are demanding wireless, which is paramount to the same thing. ;)

If it was me, I would buy 3 identical bookshelves, placed upright, on the same plane, remaining change on whatever receiver that would buy.

Then Id start saving for a good sub.

That's just me.

I wouldn't even do surrounds if I had to do wireless.
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

i didnt mention bose???
I just mentioned bose as the other thing we don't respect, along with HTiB's. Would you like some help building a real system, or do you plan on sticking with a HTiB?



Audioholic Intern
You might want to check out the Kef Wireless system. I would post a link but I can't right now with my iPhone. (Google) It's the only wireless system I have looked at with decent reviews.
Maybe that with a decent receiver and some bookshelves...
If you insist on doing a HTIB look at the Hsu Ventriloquist ( again, Google) and pair it with a receiver and sub.


There are not really any good HTIB IMO. I would just go with 2 fronts and a center for now. And of course I would want a sub.....The Hsu Ventreloquist is a good option but no wireless....


Audioholic Spartan
Another vote for no HTIB.

Another vote for no wireless.

Pretty much the reply you will get.

HTIB typically includes a dvd player. You don't need one.

The best thing to do is post a budget. These guys and I will post your best options. You will get some debates, which will typically be beneficial to you. Don't let that bother you. The end result is usually a well thought-out system.

EDIT: My bad, I see the budget.
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Audioholic Spartan
Another option to throw out.

3x KRK ST6, $297 free shipping. Three identical speakers, upright, on the same plane, and you are waaay ahead in the game. (of course you can do those Infinity's above).

Onkyo 505 refurbished, $159.

Velodyne DPS-10, $237.05 (+$19 shipping).

No surrounds (or buy used $20 cheapos on fleabay).

Total = $712 (not including Onkyo shipping. Expect about $15 is my guess).

After someone may or may not bash my Onkyo recommendation, you can see I'm not the only one who thinks its a good deal. So does the respected WmAx:

As for the receiver: the Onkyo SR506 is the obvious choice for maximum quality for the price, but it has only HDMI pass through switching. I don't know of any receiver with full HDMI support function for this price range. In fact, you may as well go for the SR505, last years model, since you can get it for 150 or so, factory refurbished, from authorized online dealers.

The Behringers that he recommends are very enticing for the price, but they don't sell individually. However, if willing to expand budget, you can get 3 pairs for $390. It depends on budget flexibility.

So, you don't get lossless audio with bluray, but that's not going to matter if you skimp on the speakers anyways. And TBH, the improvements are mild anyhow. Plus, optical will still carry improved bitrates with the legacy/core tracks, and in the case of DTS core, its actually doubled.



Audioholic Spartan
I honestly don't see those little HSU speakers even coming close to the Primus. Getting a little cube speaker package just to have surrounds is absurd.

OP could add two of those to the Primus set-up for an equal price. However, I wouldn't pay $100 for two of them.
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Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

The little Hsu Reasearch speakers are spec'd out to go down to 80hz. The Behringers Chris pushes would be better, but more expensive.


Audioholic Intern
I've owned the Ventriloquist myself as well as set up an HT for my parents with the Ventriloquist and it's a really nice sounding little set up. Dont let the size fool you. I have never heard the Behringers though.


Audioholic General
First of all: what do you plan on doing the most with your system?
If the primary use was music, I would seriously invest in a quality 2.1 sound system. Why you ask?

I've been down the road you are on right now. I started out with a $300 Yamaha HTIB with a decent receiver and 6 speakers (5 satellites, one subwoofer). The first time I powered it up and started playing "Saving Private Ryan", I was disappointed. I felt like I was jipped. Since then, I've upgraded everything and who knows how many hours and dollars I've thrown at my obsession; but I can tell you more realistic ventures that will not leave you feeling underwhelmed.

So... if you need surround, we can do that too. Just keep in mind, with a good 2.1 setup, you can upgrade to a 5.1 that is good later on down the road. If you get an acceptable 5.1 system, and decide to upgrade, it'll just be more money. How much is depending on what you are after.
But, I'm going to focus on 2.1 (I can do a 5.1 later if you want).

You have an LCD TV, a Blu-Ray player, and some kind of game console(s).

The receiver is going to be the brain of your A/V operation; depending on what you really need, we can modify the list later.
For A/V use, I'd recommend the Yamaha RX-V661; It does not support 1080p/24 or HDMI 1.3 (afaik) but it does switch it's 2 HDMI inputs, and has pre-outs for expandability. You can find these for as low as $250.

Another option is the Pioneer VSX 1018 for as low as $400, but this leaves you with less money for speakers.

As far as speakers, you can get the Boston Acoustic P260's for $400.

If you want a bit cheaper on the speakers, the HS 40's sound good for $200.

HS 50's have a bit bigger woofer, but it'll cost about $300 for a pair:

Now, you can find Boston's cheaper elsewhere I assume. But they are very good speakers, and the HS 40's are small enough to fit where ever you need them, but still fill the room with great sound: I've heard them in person.

Subwoofer: Dayton SUB-120. Found so far as low as $130.

So for $780 (or there abouts) you have the RX-V661, the P260's, and the Dayton 12" sub. Not really a bad setup in my book.
OR you can punt back and get the HS 40's instead of the P260's and keep everything else the same for $580.


Audioholic Intern
ok, first off, this is good ideas, i dont really need to have surround behind my head, these speakers from yamaha and such look far better quality then the htib speakers, so im liking where this is going, i want good sound not crap. i swear i havent heard a htib with good sound yet.

thanks everyone and keep up the great ideas.

so well forget htib well work on somthing without rear spearks since i would need wirless and wirless i hear sucks.


Audioholic Samurai
i swear i havent heard a htib with good sound yet.
Which is precisely the reason for all the responses thus far. My thoughts: Save, save, save and get a real system that you will really enjoy. No sense in jumping into something "just to have it" and end up paying more down the road because it's still not up to par. There are very nice 5.1 options from some Internet direct companies such as SVS, AV123, etc.; I have no opinion of the Ventriloquist series from Hsu, but have heard decent things about them.

Focus on the following aspects and then add to it, as you get more money, IMO:

1.) Receiver - good enough to power your speakers, reliable and has the features you want and need (such as HDMI switching, Dolby TrueHD decoding, etc., whatever they may be). You will want to spend the bulk of your budget on the speakers themselves
2.) Front timbre matching: Going with a quality 3.1 setup is far better than going with a lousy 5.1 or 7.1 setup. If your budget runs out initially, at least get a good set of speakers for the front three channels, or at least the left and right and simply go with stereo 2.1 for a while.
3.) Sub: Will honestly make or break your system, so you do not want to skimp out here. Some of the subs mentioned are very reasonable, but if you want really good, deep, impact sound from the low end of the frequency spectrum, no HTIB in the world is going to be able to accomplish what a well calibrated Hsu or SVS sub can do. ;)
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

ranthore, how big is the room that your tv, blu ray and game consoles are in? we need to know to find the right size sub.

Also, do you want to go with a good 2.1, or 3.1 system now? Is your current budget fixed at $700.00?


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