Best Buy Magnolia lowers pay for skilled employees



Audioholic General
I can’t say I’m surprised. I envision a lot of memo’s stating “Whatever you do, push the extended warranties & the Monster Brand”!!


Audioholic Spartan
It's crap like this that will cause best buy to go the way of circuit city.


Audioholic Overlord
It's crap like this that will cause best buy to go the way of circuit city.
I fear the days of B&Ms are over in our field. There are very few stores with reasonably priced quality items left. I can't even find anything useful in bestbuy anymore. Fry's is way better.


Full Audioholic
I used to work in retail for a company that had a generous profit sharing/bonus plan, and it was still hard to find good help. It will be interesting to see how this work out for BB...


Audioholic Jedi
I used to work in retail for a company that had a generous profit sharing/bonus plan, and it was still hard to find good help. It will be interesting to see how this work out for BB...
That is because people who are good generally move on to something else.


It's crap like this that will cause best buy to go the way of circuit city.
Yep you got it.......... and good riddence anyway......except the people who will lose their jobs over some idiots bad desicion.


Full Audioholic
Perhaps with the closing of Circuit City, Tweeter and now the seeming difficulties of BB we will see a resergence of small shops where "some" of the staff know what they are talking about and you get to hear the gear.
BB has become a lousy store and shopping experience. At my BB it is staffed by kids that seldom know what they are talking about other than a few typical "catch phrases" and really push the warranties.


I dropped by my local BB/Mag store today..20 min no greet, manger was assisting another customer; never acknowledged me, and walked away with the customer and did not return:rolleyes: Many of the guys from Sound Advice here in FL have started new companies and are going back to their rootsof providing solutions not just products. Its a real shame that "order takers" are becoming more of the norm. These "marriages" that Tweeter, Best Buy, and Circut City enter into with manufactures are proving one sided and destoying the quality of products and value that was once there. Companies like URC are starting "installer networks" to help with the growing number of intergrators that are being laid off and CEDIA sees these layoffs as a growing concern to the industry.


Full Audioholic
count me in as one of the BB employees leaving...

love the company, but the new operations model is just...not smart IMO, and came at the worst possible time...

Despite what you read in these articles, whats happening is not exactly what happened to Circuit City. If you actually worked at a store you would understand the busines model the are trying to now take on, and it actually makes sense, but from an outsider looking in....its looks really bad lol. They are shooting themselves in the foot with this one....stockholders will see this...

But personally im tired of them not seeing value in the services that me and so many others acutally do provide....


Full Audioholic
Now I'll have to go to Kmart to browse before buying online. :p

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