Best Buy has Dennon?



Audioholic General
I was at my local best buy (in Canada) and was wandering through the always laughable "audio section" that only carries Sony, JBL Northridge, entry level Infinity, and Precision Acoustic speakers when I noticed some different looking receivers staring out at me from the racks across the way. I walked over and low and behold Best Buy Canada now carries Denon. My local shop is going to be PO'd beyond belief. They dropped Marantz because the distributor was selling to chain stores, now Denon does as well. The prices were way lower than a small shop can compete with. I still find it hillarious that they are drastically improving the receiver side of things but not even looking at carrying better speakers. I just figured I'd post this for any of my fellow Canucks looking for a receiver.

Mort Corey

Senior Audioholic
Best Buy in the US purchased Magnolia Hi-Fi and has begun incorporating that into a dedicated section in their big box. Pretty impressive (for BB anyway). They carry Pioneer Elite audio and video, Fujitsu, DefTech, Vienna Acoustics and a lot of other higher end gear.

I guessing that they intend to finish off chains like Tweeters and Good Guys;)



Audioholic Jedi
Magnolia was Tweeter in the pacific northwest, but somehow separate. About 3 years ago, BB bought the chain from Tweeter and had done nothing with them until this year, when they started incorporating them into their chain, but around here, Magnolia still has independent stores. The local BBs have a special room where they carry some of the higher speaker brands along with the higher line receivers and TVs.


Audioholic General
I know you guys in the States have access to major brands in your chain stores, but we haven't had that Luxury until recently. We could always pick up a nice HK receiver, but to put it in perspective they want I believe $600 CDN for a 135. That after taxes and a 20% conversion rate would make it about $575 US. Denon coming in at what amounts to a really reasonable price is awesome as far as I'm concerned. They had the big store name tags and I can't remember the model # differences, but the equivilant of a 3806 was around $1100 plus tax. Might sound high but remember a Pioneer 1015 has a pricetag of $800 plus tax up here unless on sale.

Mort Corey

Senior Audioholic
I think the 3806 is $1100 (or $1199...CRS) retail here, and though you may be able to strike a bargain with some dealers, it would not be advertised at a reduced price. So're gettin' a deal up in the Great White North....and with all the $$$ you save by getting free health care you can probably afford two ;)


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