What are some good bass tracks in movies and music I can use when do my subwoofer placement crawl test?
Don't use movies or music to figure our placement for a sub (unless you only intend to ever listen to one recording on your setup). The bass in normal content mostly only hovers around particular frequencies, and if you try to use a handful of musical recordings or movie scenes to tune your subwoofer placement, you are only going to 'tune' it to that set of content.
Use something like a low frequency sweep that lets you know what the sub sounds like at individual frequencies. This
tone generator is a great tool to see how loud your sub gets at individual frequencies; you will want to get the best balance of all bass tones from 20 Hz to 80 Hz or higher. For a single sound that plays all frequencies simultaneously, try a pink noise or white noise with the speakers turned off, like
this thing. That noise will give you a very nice spectral balance in bass, so that you can hear its character change as you walk around the room and experience the room modes. If you use that tone, try to look for a subwoofer placement that gets the best balance of all noise without particular emphasis on deep or upper bass frequencies.
Here is a tone that is like a pink noise that has been low-passed already so you don't have to mute your speakers.