Best $300 Sub for music?



Hello, I'm back again for more advice...
I just started college this fall, and I am in need of a new sub. It will be used 99% of the time for music. I'm really close to buying a BIC H-100, but I was wondering if there is anything else out there in the price range that is great for music? I listen to everything, today I was listening to Boston, tomorrow I might listen to gangster rap. Also, on BIC's website they list an F12 sub, and a VK12 sub, both might be a hair cheaper, does anyone have any opinions between those and the H-100?


Audioholic General
Hello, I'm back again for more advice...
I just started college this fall, and I am in need of a new sub. It will be used 99% of the time for music. I'm really close to buying a BIC H-100, but I was wondering if there is anything else out there in the price range that is great for music? I listen to everything, today I was listening to Boston, tomorrow I might listen to gangster rap. Also, on BIC's website they list an F12 sub, and a VK12 sub, both might be a hair cheaper, does anyone have any opinions between those and the H-100?
Check out the HSU STF 1 or 2.


Audioholic General
I agree Hsu ST1 or ST2 are good subs in your price range.

I like SVS subs even better but most are above you price maximum. However, you can peruse their web site for b-stock ( cosmetically flawed , but acoustically perfect) and occasioanlly find a bargain.
Right nowthey have a PC12-NSD sub ( awesome) but above your price range for $499 looking and maybe they will have one that meets your price requirements.

Another very good entry sub to consider is the Dayton SUB-120 HT for only $155.

Good Luck! ( with your sub and with college ;))

Forest Man


That's a good piece of advice and price for a nice device like that. I am also thinking of buying one of them.


Audioholic Jedi
Parts Express also offered the Dayton Elite 10" sub designed by Dr. Hsu for under $300, however I just looked and it has apparently been discontinued. So I'd have to go with the STF-1 or 2 also.


Audioholic Overlord
Hello, I'm back again for more advice...
I just started college this fall, and I am in need of a new sub. It will be used 99% of the time for music. I'm really close to buying a BIC H-100, but I was wondering if there is anything else out there in the price range that is great for music? I listen to everything, today I was listening to Boston, tomorrow I might listen to gangster rap. Also, on BIC's website they list an F12 sub, and a VK12 sub, both might be a hair cheaper, does anyone have any opinions between those and the H-100?
I think a pair of noise isolating headphones is a must for college. If you're in a noisy area. Check out the Etymotic headphones. If I had these in college I would have had so much better grades. ;)

On a sub I suggest you get the Dayton 12" and save the rest of your money for finals week binge eating.


Full Audioholic
My 2 cents

Perhaps an unfair choice since I just got mine a couple of days ago, but the Outlaw LFM1c does music great and at the sale price of $319 (shipping included) gets my vote.


Get a Bic H100.. they're superb....stunning sound and quality


Audioholic Ninja
Shame Outlaw doesn't have the LFM-1 Compact on sale anymore :(

The HSU STF-1 or Aperion 8A would be my picks. If you can stretch for the STF-2, I'd go for that. The eD A3S - 250 is also worth a look being a sealed design, but I haven't heard one yet so not sure how musical it is.

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