Alex, you make me regret having foregone m-ch music. I was talked out of the possibility unfortunately, with the smaller collection of artists/titles that I might enjoy, and with the greater costs involved.
However, I don't think you will find anyone will say that stereo is better. Stereo has greater limitations that m-ch does not have to suffer.
Full immersion must be fun. However, I dunno, when I listen to a live orchestra, its still coming from up front. Not all around like in a cathedral, and that's probably why you rarely see orchestras in cathedrals: too live, acoustically.
M-ch ideas I've always been curious about, but am pretty sure will never, ever happen:
Having a multi voiced fugue, one "voice" or line dedicated per channel, whether its 3 voice, 4, 5, (6??). An iea I read in the Glenn Gould reader, and something the author never got around to trying, though wanting to.
A 4-ch recording, but only for Center, Two Side surrounds, and one rear. What for? Some Gesualdo multi choir stuff. Back then, in places like San Marcos cathedral, he might have been the first to actually do "surround sound".

He placed a choir in each of the four ends of the cathedral (which is shaped like a cross), and he wrote music even with time delays in mind. Pretty cool. I never bought a recording, since I figured it just wouldn't be the same, but maybe I should've.
*No wonder everyone believed in God. Can you imagine toiling in the fields all day, no fridge, no lights, and walking into a huge beautiful cathedral with glorious music in live surround coming from all four sides?