Hope I ask this correctly. I have a SqueezeBox that plays flac (wav) files from my computer playing directly into an ATI 1502 150 watts per channel Amp and it sounds great.
The volume is controlled by the SqueezeBox's audio out and at its highest level (40) it is not overwhelming but gets too loud pretty quick.
Now when I run the SB audio outs into my HK 3480 (120 watts per channel) receiver, out through the pre-outs and, then to the ATI, with the SB turned up to 40, if I turn up the HK it will hurtcha, it is SOOO much louder.
So my question is, where does the volume come from? I mean 40 out of the SB into the AMP should get as loud as 40 through the receiver into the AMP shouldn't it?
I don't get what happens in the receiver that can cause the volume to increase so much.
Thanks for any input