Look Snakeoil, I wouldn't go as far to say that the several thousand dollar Denon Blu-ray is any better than the Oppo either, but it appears as though that player has a lot of Denon R&D in it. It's highly propable that the Denon isn't all Denon either. The majority of the market is involved in borrowing technology, parts, and platforms from other manufacturers.
Lexicon's BD-30 just clearly represents the absolute worst possible way to do this, they didn't change a thing from any electrical aspect, no improvement is even theoritically possible in terms of performance. Will the transport noise be a bit quieter due to a denser cabinet, probably, but that's about it and that doesn't take much to figure out in the grand scheme of things.
It seems this Lexicon fiasco has paved the way to start numerous threads about rebadging this and that. Yes, it happens. I don't believe it's necessary to start a thread for every known duplicator of another's technology, platform, or entire assembly. At this rate half the first page of threads will be about some extravagant rebadging. We've seen it before time and time again. The wiser of us pick up on it and these companies get hurt sometimes, or even shut down entirely.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending them. I still think it's incredible sour to take an excellent platform, tweak it a little (without any proof the tweak provides a noticeable difference), and sell it for a unreasonable markup. But this isn't something that just started happening yesterday. Many of these guys have been smart about it though, and I have to give them marks for playing it smart. I give Lexicon two thumbs down for not being creative and being ignorant the possibility that exposing it would leave them looking like absolute fools to anyone that isn't blind or being paid to say otherwise.