I'm gonna recommend PSB .
jmone said:
Hi, For those that may have auditioned these brands (hard down here in Oz) could you please give me your impressions of:
Axiom M60Ti Vs. PSB Image 6T
Axiom VP150 Vs. PSB Image 8C
Axiom QS8 Vs. PSB Image 10s
I'm a PSB fanatic. I just love their sound. I owna pair of Image T45s, an Image8C, and a pair of Image 1Bs along with a subsonic5.
Before Axion when internet only, I had a chance to listen to a pair of M60Ti and the VP150. I didn't pay to much attention to the surrounds. What struck me with Axion was how detailed they sounded. At first I was really impressed but after 30 minutes or so, I began to find them a little too bright for my ears. The mids were good, the bass was tight and fast but not authorative. It sounded kinda weak. The mids of the Axioms sounded lifelike and accurate.
The VP150 is a good center channel speaker period relaying all kinds of info and remaing clear during louder busier passages.
I then turned my attention to the PSBs. I wasn't impressed at 1st, thought they sounded a little dark, lacking the treble emphasis of the axioms. But the more I listened, the more I started liking them. I heard the nuances of the music coming out. Subtle details of the music were defiantely there but it wasn't the "in your face" like the Axioms. I didn't get tired of them like I did with the Axioms. The mids were life like and the bass was tight, fast, and authorative. Both Axiom and PSB throw out a large soundstage but I stil give the nod to PSB when it comes to imaging. I have never heard a speaker in that could out perform the image capabilities of PSB inage series in their price class.
The Image 8C is also a solid performing center channel. The 1st movie I played after getting it home was Men In Black. The hair stood up on the back of my neck and I cringed as J dragged the table across the room to his chair during the test scene. Thats when you know, you have a revealing speaker. Like the Axiom, the PSB is able to remain clear thru crowded packages during high volume levels.
This is what I heard when I auditioned both Axiom and PSB. You are the one that is going to be listening to them, not me.
Out of curiosity, why not spring for the Image9C if you do go the PSB route?
Good luck and have fun.