I use my receiver (Yamaha RXV2500) to auto calibrate the audio. I verify the levels and speaker distances with a SPL meter and tape measure. But it's bang on every time.
I have used both AVIA and DVE for video calibration. After using either I found out that my personal preferences are pretty close to what the end results are after using the DVDs.
HQV came in today. 24 hour mail delivery service. NOW THAT IS FAST.
I am watching it right now on my PC. It has an introduction and a test pattern tutorial. After that you can run single or all test patterns, with auto or manual advance. Pretty straight forward. Inside the DVD case is a small booklet that describes each test and what to look for, and a score sheet.
This DVD only tests the video processing of the TV. It is not used to calibrate the set. If you are in the market for a new TV this is what you want to use before you buy.
Time to try it out on my TV.