Thanks much for your response! Please do report with any future impressions, whether it be the trial software, or a live demo. I also appreciate your thumbs up on the Spyder 3.
major, I think it's not just 2 calibration settings like we typically see with ISFccc, but actually 4 completely individual settings. (I was even curious how easy it could be to copy/paste an entire reference/65k setting, making a second one with subjective tweaks, etc). I guess I'd probably have to write it all down, and go from there.
I understand your thoughts about upgrading a PJ. In all honesty, I am trying to stave off upgraditis. If I ever upgrade, I am somewhat certain that I only will when I land on a steal, like I did with my present PJ, or perhaps as used from someone I trust.
I am a big fan of JVC PJs, and every post I have looked for (and I've ran search functions) when both an LCD, whether Pana or Epson, and a JVC were owned in the same home, the preference has always been for JVC. The exceptional black detail, along with the tremendous capability of on/off, is something that will keep me coming back, at least until someone makes an LED with comparable performance and value. The thing is that their present RS25/35 cost a whole lot of money. Even the older RS20 can get absolute black extremely close to a Kuro's black level/luminance. The RS10/15 are much more affordable. Probably the most important difference between the two lines is in fact the CMS. Well, the above are my impressions anyways.
I have also learned that the VideoEQ is more than the typical CMS device. The popular Lumagen Radiance HDP/HDQ for example do not have primary saturation controls like the VideoEQ does. A long time ago, I checked out some screenshots of Radiance XD use, and I can tell you it looks considerably less user friendly than the VideoEQ video demo. That counts for something, because I am a complete noob.
edit: I've been tempted by sub builds too. I was recently tempted by media servers. If I upgrade PJ in the future, I am going to try to wait for a 3D capable, because they are right around the corner.