Jumper installed, Problem solved. Took the amp out of sub, took it to work and looked it over good. Found a 12V relay on one of the circuit boards, the only relay in there. Looked up the relay on internet for coil and contact pin locations. Removed upper board for access to lower board. Traced contacts to speaker output. Powered up amp and green LED came on, Took voltage tests. Waited for LED to turn fron green to red. Verified contacts opened. Powered down. Soldered jumper wire across normally open relay contacts and reassembled. Took amp home and installed in sub cabinet and hooked up to system. Got normal bass out of sub, green light on, all cool. Waited for timer or low bass signal to auto off. Red LED came on and still had sub sound, which is exactly what I was trying to do. Now output to sub speaker is on all the time, awsome. Mission accomplished! The relay is a Goodsky UDH-SH-112D. Thanks again for all input.