I must confess that I'm somewhat intimidated by all the talk about 12k, 5k and even 1k systems, when i paid $295. for this 600 watt system from Audiovox, model sts1188
.. maybe someone can advise me to move on and spend a few more dollars next time.., or, maybe someone will have some advice or suggestion that a novice like me is not aware of.
this unit is just over three months old, and i lost the receipt so the store where i bought it will not exchange it, and besides, they tell me they dont carry this item any longer anyways.
the 5 disk dvd player is acting up. the picture will hesitate, and even stop sometimes for up to 10-15 seconds, and when it resumes its obvious that the disk has skipped the several seconds of movie while it was frozen up.
this problem started about a 2 weeks ago and has deteriorated dramatically in the last few days to the point that movies are not watchable. we watch an average of 3-4 dvd's per week from netflix. someone suggested i purchase a dvd lens cleaner, but another person advised us that they're worthless, and in fact do more harm than good, so i havent gonne that route, yet.
Audiovox says they'll look at it, but i would have to pay shipping and insurance both ways, and be without the unit from 4-12 weeks ! and even then it may not be covered by the warranty, depending on the problem.
any feedback from you folks ??
Thanking you in advance for any input.