Audiophyte needing help on basic audio home system setup



Hi guys,

after reading through many reviews/faqs/threads at this site my questions weren't answered. That's why I decided to register and try to get my simple questions answered in this particular area.

Ok a small introduction, I'm a student and after a holiday full of working I'm planning on buying new loudspeakers (finally got the money). I absolutely love listening to music (rock/progressive) and my ancient set of cheap loudspeakers, cd player and receiver (which used to belong to my grandmother) isn't doing the job for me anymore. The big downside is I have zero experience in audio stuff.

I've become really interested in the Klipsch rb-15 loudspeakers after reading the review at the site. I can get them new for like 150 euros which seems like a great deal.

Mainly I'm confused of the difference between DVD-players and receivers.

My main goal is to have two bookshelf loudspeakers connected to some kind of DVD player on which I'm able to listen to my records and occassionally watch some movies on DVD format (with the audio coming out of my new loudspeakers not the TV) and I desire some good quality audiowise, since my tv is crappy anyway :)

Should I buy a new receiver and a new seperate dvd player? What actually is a receiver doing for my listening pleasure? I'm actually really confused in a what a receiver actually does to my loudspeakers. Is it enhancing the sound or just powering it up so I can turn up the volume?

Or is it enough to buy a kind of all in DVD player without an additional receiver? Can I expect to get the most potential out of my loudspeakers?

I hope that anyone of you guys can help me out because I'm clueless. Many thanks in advance.


Audioholic Samurai
Hi guys,
after reading through many reviews/faqs/threads at this site my questions weren't answered


I absolutely love listening to music (rock/progressive) and my ancient set of cheap loudspeakers, cd player and receiver


I'm actually really confused in a what a receiver actually does to my loudspeakers

The same as your old receiver did to your old loudspeakers.
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Audioholic Warlord
Speakers are not a powered item. They do not plug into the wall or generate almost any volume at all. You need amplification to get any appreciable volume out of speakers.

To do this, you could just get a stand alone amplifer, but those generally have small knobs on the back to adjust the volume level and you typically only run stereo audio into the back of the amplifier. So, you get good stereo amplification for your speakers, but lousy volume control, no surround, no digital connectivity, no way to connect multiple sources, no video connections, and no remote for the volume control.

The A/V receiver combines it all. You get the ability to connect video sources like a cable box, VCR, and DVD player into one device. There is an amplifier built into the A/V receiver that will give you solid audio output to connect your speakers to. You get switching capabilities so you can connect multiple devices (DVD player, cable box, etc.). Finally, you get the remote control which allows for volume control, switching of sources, and other adjustments or features that the receiver may have. Many receivers have FM tuners built in so you get radio stations on them. Some are now shipping with XM Radio built in. Many are SURROUND receivers so you can setup a 5.1 to 7.1 audio system with multiple speakers.

So, it sounds like you gotta go through some more of the basics to get up to speed on what is what. Google some of the terms you may not be familiar with. Go ahead and ask if more questions come up.

I don't recommend DVD player/receiver combo units, but suggest you get a separate receiver and DVD player. This way you can upgrade each component as money allows for it. Some very good deals can be had on used gear via eBay if you are careful and shop around a bit. I know my old entry level Kenwood setup which was several hundred bucks at Sams Club probably would sell for only $50 or so on eBay - yet would make some people very happy for that price. So, do some homework and read some reviews and figure your terms out.


Thanks for the advice, appreciate it.

Some more questions. Do DVD-players (in the budget price class) differ a lot in what quality they play a CD-record by audio?

I'm not really looking for DTS, Dolby Pro Logic or any other surround option. Also I don't really care about a remote since most DVD players have a remote included if I'm not mistaking. I only need a A/V reciever mainly for my two loudspeakers and which enables me to watch some DVDs once in a while.

Would you advise me to got look for a relatively cheap A/V receiver without all the extras like surround sound etc?

Or should I invest in a good budget A/V receiver (around 200-300 euros) and hook up my Playstation 2 with it as a DVD player?
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