Joe from the YouTube channel
Joe N Tell messaged me Saturday and asked if I would be interested in doing a
fun video where we discuss the typical audiophile buzzwords and try to provide some meaningful context to these words, while at the same time illustrating how purely subjective reviews can be quite nebulous at times since a particular description may mean different things to different people; even between reviewers and not
just the audience reading or watching their reviews. Keep in mind, we are not saying our definitions are the correct ones. It was very impromptu. We didn't talk about the words before. We just shot from the hip and had a conversation. Heck, even we differ in our definitions from time to time. But that's the point of the video.
I had fun doing this and really believe it will be useful in many ways. Not
just in providing some more meaningful meat to these terms but also in showing how these words can really be quite obtuse at times, even to fellow reviewers. This hammers home the point that good, objective data is important in relaying performance in a truly meaningful manner. Or, if nothing else, it illustrates why reviewers need to stop leaning solely on crazy adjectives and instead try to provide specific frequency ranges in order to help convey what they heard.
Joe decided to split this up over 7 parts rather than drop the whole video because people would probably get bored pretty quick. I agree. So far parts 1 - 3 are up, linked below: