Okay, I posted late Thursday night, so I thought by the time someone reads it, it would be Friday. I live in the Toronto Area.
Anyway, yes, nobody from the store calls. I have to do the follow up both by phone and emails. Their emails return an auto reply that "a ticket is issued and that someone will reply soon" (not a verbatim quote).
I ordered a pair of Usher speakers. At the time of the order, I wasn't told that it was not in stock (only when I called a few days later to inquire status). Then I was told that Usher will ship to me directly and that a tracking number will be forwarded to me by Audioholics store. Well as I said, still none of this info has been forwarded to me. At least a courtesy call (or email) from them telling me of the delay would suffice. Being in limbo in all this is crazy. I'm a patient person but expect a little bit of courtesy from those I do business with. And courtesy in this case, is giving me an update on my order. I don't think that's too much to ask?