Audioholics Cable Interviews



Audioholics Master Chief
On our crusade of investigating exotic cable manufacturers claims and so called sciences, a few were nice enough to take the time and engage us in interview sessions. Surprisingly even a well known high end loudspeaker company – Thiel - participated during an interview process of their loudspeakers which we were reviewing.

[Thiel Audio Interview on Cables] [SilverSmith Audio Cables Interview]

[Audioquest Cable Theory Interview ] [Audioquest Discussion on their DBS Cable Feature]

After digesting the content within these interviews, we would like to reiterate that despite the snake oils sometimes touted in this industry, one cannot deviate from scientific absolutes which we feel are important to remember when making product selections.

• All well designed cables are sonically indistinguishable.
• There are no unreal or un-provable mechanisms involved with cables.
• Cable science, unlike rocket science and brain surgery is an exact discipline which can be quantified and fully understood via basic proven engineering principles and concepts that govern all designs of electronics.


Seriously, I have no life.
gene said:
On our crusade of investigating exotic cable manufacturers claims and so called sciences, a few were nice enough to take the time and engage us in interview sessions. Surprisingly even a well known high end loudspeaker company – Thiel - participated during an interview process of their loudspeakers which we were reviewing.

[Thiel Audio Interview on Cables] [SilverSmith Audio Cables Interview]

[Audioquest Cable Theory Interview ] [Audioquest Discussion on their DBS Cable Feature]

After digesting the content within these interviews, we would like to reiterate that despite the snake oils sometimes touted in this industry, one cannot deviate from scientific absolutes which we feel are important to remember when making product selections.

• All well designed cables are sonically indistinguishable.
• There are no unreal or un-provable mechanisms involved with cables.
• Cable science, unlike rocket science and brain surgery is an exact discipline which can be quantified and fully understood via basic proven engineering principles and concepts that govern all designs of electronics.
Thanks again for your ongoing efforts in this endevor, to expose the snakes, the myth grinders, and your quest for the truths.

I am not surprised by the three wire company responses, why whould I be? How else would they be able to sell cables if they claimed factual, scientific claims?

I am very disappointed in Jim Thiel's response however. I thought he would be above it all, and better be able to explain wires.

There is no hope for the audio high end wire business. After all, it is about the almighty $$$$, millions of it.

The dark side of the force is indeed most powerful.

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