Audioholics bias towards HD DVD?



Audioholic Chief
I'm sure it's not only me who's noticed the obvious push for HD DVD here. The articles sound more like a fanboy rant than good journalism. I own a PS3 and A30 player. I see the benefits and weaknesses of both formats. There are plenty of good news surrounding both Blu-ray and HD DVD - yet it seems there's an agenda on this site by the staff to promote all the positives of HD DVD, and blast Blu-ray in the process.

Tom Andry talks about the "spanking" that Blu-ray received. Where is the mention of the spanking HD DVD has received all year in movie sales? Where is the news about the Spiderman 3 disc outselling Transformers on HD DVD last week? I don't see this balance

Please try to remember that the format war is not over and that there are new people entering it daily. A site as influencial as audioholics should heed with caution in how it handles the new formats. If Audioholics has an obvious bias towards HD DVD, they should let it be known publically, as Bill Hunt of Digital Bits has done on his site concerning Blu-ray. That way, it puts the articles in perspective for the reader.


I think your making a mountain out of a mole hill...


Edit: Just fair warning, this will not turn into a HD/BR flame fest.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
I think you are totally wrong here. I have not seen any direct bias toward HD DVD. Many of these recent articles are the fact that the A2 fell below 99 bucks and their was a review of the A2.

If you look at both these products HD DVD has recently been the better buy from a hardware standpoint. If not for the PS3 I think blu ray would be in more trouble. Blu ray players needs to get down below 200 soon.

I have an A2 and will be getting a P1400 later this week. So after that I will be better versed to make an opinion between the two. I want bitstream output that so far HD DVD does not offer (that I know of) and I want Sony & Disney releases.

I have also read the opinion that reviewers felt that HD DVD was a more finished product and had the better product the first time around. (Poor transfers of early titles and Samsung quality issues). I think the only loser in the end will be us the consumer and I will like many others end up with one player that will be useless.


Audioholic Chief
I have no desire for it to turn it into a flamefest. Please lock it if you desire. I just want the article writers to consider what I'm saying before writing the next article on the formats.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Some of us will be sticking to standard-def and couldn't care less about either format.:)


Audioholic Samurai
I have to disagree. There has been a lot of hullabaloo over the past couple of weeks because of the Toshiba sales, which is what caused me to delve into hd after swearing to not until the decade was over. As if the "sale" were not force enough to push hd sales, the msrp certainly is. Being able to get an hd player for $200, $300, and then $400 less than a bd player, not to mention 5,7,10 or 13 free hd dvd's. That's not too hard of a decision to ponder for most of us. Finally, if you think there are many hd threads here (I know you said articles), check out avs.


Senior Audioholic
The article, I think, stems from the Sony CEO yet again making an idiotic speech. This one however is only idiotic because of the others he's made in the past year preceeding this. The guy has pounded his chest prematurely at least three times in victory, now he is backpedaling. It makes him and Sony look like a bunch of morons.



Audioholic Chief
I have to disagree. There has been a lot of hullabaloo over the past couple of weeks because of the Toshiba sales, which is what caused me to delve into hd after swearing to not until the decade was over. As if the "sale" were not force enough to push hd sales, the msrp certainly is. Being able to get an hd player for $200, $300, and then $400 less than a bd player, not to mention 5,7,10 or 13 free hd dvd's. That's not too hard of a decision to ponder for most of us. Finally, if you think there are many hd threads here (I know you said articles), check out avs.
I'm not going to compare AVS to Audioholics. I don't go to AVS now for the sole reason that it become a hate mongering flamefest of 2 sides. Tom Andry's article posted today is highly biased in its structure. It blatantly slams Blu-ray for really no reason whatsoever. It's really unnecessary. It's an article of poor taste and I hope he edits it.


Senior Audioholic
I have an A2 and will be getting a P1400 later this week. So after that I will be better versed to make an opinion between the two. I want bitstream output that so far HD DVD does not offer (that I know of) and I want Sony & Disney releases.
The Toshiba A35 offers bitstream output as far as I know.

I'll buy a BDP too when a non-Sony brand version gets below or around $200. I won't buy anything Sony ever again.



Audioholic Samurai
I'm not going to compare AVS to Audioholics. I don't go to AVS now for the sole reason that it become a hate mongering flamefest of 2 sides. Tom Andry's article posted today is highly biased in its structure. It blatantly slams Blu-ray for really no reason whatsoever. It's really unnecessary. It's an article of poor taste and I hope he edits it.
Actually, no. I find cutting edge experiences, reviews and beta testing (firmware) there (and here at Audioholics as well) on both sides. One may have to occasionally cut through some of the "stuff," but there is a lot of useful info both there and here. As Tom pointed out, it (his article) is spelled E-d-i-t-o-r-i-a-l, meaning poetic/artistic license. Take it for what it's worth (not Gospel). You may do well to take Sony's CEO words for what they are worth as well.


Audioholic Jedi
I don't feel any bias here either in terms of HD formats. As a supporter of BD, I don't have an issue with anything that is said here by the staff so far.


So who would be the Wall Street Journal and New York Times editorialists when it comes to the HD and BD camps(both great papers and I read both)? Hmmm. I would say WSJ is BD due to economic policy. HD is NYT due to fiscal reality. lol.

If there is one thing I have noticed, it is the older generation that tends to be more HD supportive. I think this is in large part due to being stung by Sony and their proprietary formats one too many times in the past. I know it's happened to me and I have carried a huge grudge for a long time. My $400 DVD player that wouldn't play CD-R's was the last straw.
no. 5

no. 5

Audioholic Field Marshall
But I can't say I have seen much bias here.
Likewise, but perhaps I don't hang out here enough.

As was said earlier, Audioholics has predicted failure for both formats.


Audioholic General
You fellas is getting all het up over nuthin

Some of us will be sticking to standard-def and couldn't care less about either format.:)

Here Here. To be fair, I haven't noticed a bias from this site re: HD. And I am an objective reader because I have no stake in the matter. Like Joe and HiFi I am happy with the video side of my audio/video set up and often find it amusing how het up the fellas that do care get over the whole format thing.:D
On an objective note, I don't enter this war for economic reasons. I currently can't afford a big skinny tv, and if I could afford it and the hd/br player to go along with, I wouldn't buy one for $99 from wallyworld........

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