Audio dropouts... color related?

Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I recently purchased a Panasonic 42PZ77U and while I await the DishNetwork installers to see if it's even possible to get satellite reception I have been watching my local channels in HD through basic cable using the tuner in the TV. The TV is connected to my receiver with an optical cable.

Most of the time the audio is fine as long as I'm watching a network program. Commrercials often have audio dropouts.

I've noticed a correlation between the audio dropouts and the images shown on the screen. When watching the news on one of the local channels I noticed that whenever there was a lot of solid white color on the screen the audio would start dropping out. Also, when watching a show like Law & Order: SVU the audio would cut out every single time it went to a black screen with the text (you know, the Law and Order transition with the "dong dong" :) ). Why would this happen?


Audioholic Overlord
Interesting; I have noticed quite a bit of audi dropout when watching HD programs via DirectTV the past few days and it is mainly during commercials(the Cowboys game did it alot). I will see if it happens anymore and pay attention to see if there is a correlation between the audio dropouts and the images/colors shown on the screen.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
It is very strange. When it happens it's as if it was flickering. The "Dolby Digital" text on my receiver display flickers rapidly.


Seriously, I have no life.
It is very strange. When it happens it's as if it was flickering. The "Dolby Digital" text on my receiver display flickers rapidly.
Then, it is a good bet that the sat transmission or some other path, sat receiver/card is defective.
If this continues and is reliably there, call in a sat tech and show them.


Audioholic Overlord
It is very strange. When it happens it's as if it was flickering. The "Dolby Digital" text on my receiver display flickers rapidly.
Yes, mine does too. I think it was storm related around here though.


Audioholic Jedi
I think it is a sign. The sensitive among us have always been the first to detect them. Gather around your family and friends, for the end is upon us.

Just kidding!
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
Then, it is a good bet that the sat transmission or some other path, sat receiver/card is defective.
If this continues and is reliably there, call in a sat tech and show them.
I don't have satellite (yet). I'm on basic cable using the tuner in the TV. It only happens on commercials and when the screen goes black for credits. It never happens at any other time.


Full Audioholic
Mine does that on occation but I have a cable box. It has to do with the auido signal coming from your box into your receiver. For some reason there are parts in shows where my receiver does not know what audio format it is receiving. When there is no sound it will go to a 3.1 setting. When there is dialog and action, it switches back to DD EX. I have seen it also in football games when the audio is messed up with the network. My receiver does not know what to do. I think the DD that is flickering on your receiver is the receiver trying to decide what format to play the audio in.


Seriously, I have no life.
I don't have satellite (yet). I'm on basic cable using the tuner in the TV. It only happens on commercials and when the screen goes black for credits. It never happens at any other time.
Oh, sorry, I missed in your original post that you are waiting for it.
Still, this should not be happening and if it is consistent you may consider calling out the techs and show them.

I had audio issues on one channel only, analog stereo, one side was almost nothing and the other was clipping. Took 3 trips for them to finally fix it someplace. they have a hard time correcting problems:eek:


Full Audioholic
audio droppouts

I am using iptv that has audio droppouts related to color too, but in this case its when theres too much black on the screen. Such as when a program fades to black before a commercial break, the audio gets choppy, or during scenes that are very dark. My service provider is still trying to come up with an explanation why. Apparenty digital cable and iptv share some of the same bitrate execution problems. The theory is that solid colors are harder to compress thereby using higher bandwidth and robbing from the audio stream.


Seriously, I have no life.
I am using iptv that has audio droppouts related to color too, but in this case its when theres too much black on the screen. Such as when a program fades to black before a commercial break, the audio gets choppy, or during scenes that are very dark. My service provider is still trying to come up with an explanation why. Apparenty digital cable and iptv share some of the same bitrate execution problems. The theory is that solid colors are harder to compress thereby using higher bandwidth and robbing from the audio stream.
Well, at least your provider is acknowledging this problem and may come to some resolution in time.:rolleyes:


Junior Audioholic
audio dropout

i have HD channels and i seem to get audio dropout the most when i record a show on my HD pvr...then watch it later....isnt it the HDMI cables ? its a problem with the "handshake" as someone described it. the info going back and forth through the HDMI cables too fast to read...
im wondering if anyone had HDMI cables , had this problem and switched back to component cables ?????
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
DishNetwork was installed today. No more audio dropouts and amazing picture quality! I even get the local Fox affiliate from my old directional antenna (the only local I don't get in HD through the sat). Wow! Cable has nothing on Dish! The DVR is great. I think I like it better than Tivo! It's so responsive, no lag when using the remote. It has so many recording options! With the OTA tuner I can even record 3 shows and watch a fourth. :D The box is connected via HDMI to my receiver.


Seriously, I have no life.
DishNetwork was installed today. No more audio dropouts and amazing picture quality! I even get the local Fox affiliate from my old directional antenna (the only local I don't get in HD through the sat). Wow! Cable has nothing on Dish! The DVR is great. I think I like it better than Tivo! It's so responsive, no lag when using the remote. It has so many recording options! With the OTA tuner I can even record 3 shows and watch a fourth. :D The box is connected via HDMI to my receiver.
Great news.! By chance ask them about the drop out issue over cable if they know what causes it?
Sure looks to me as a cable TV provider issue.


Audioholic Overlord
DTV had me unplug the coax and do a hard reset; they said sometimes static can build up in the coax and it will not reset properly. Seems to have fixed my issue.

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