A quick question...
I don't have any test disk, other than some test tones I downloaded a couple of years back, but what about the THX set up that is included on DVDs, such as Pirates of the Caribbean?
I have run the PN on my receiver and level matched all channels fairly well, but when I ran the THX setup, my sub was "set" around 10db lower. "Upping" the level made it too overpowering, so it seems that the sub test noise was somewhat better from the receiver sub test. All the other 5 channels were bang on, though.
However, even though I have an HDTV, I have no HD content, just SD, but I set up the TV with the video test on the THX disk and the colours on the TV are alot better than the "auto" setting that was on originally.
I just wonder how far off the THX disk is, compared to Avira etc, if any. I would hate to buy a disk and find that the THX setup, that virtually everyone has, is just as good, for a quick setup.