Hi robertkjr3d,
I'm sorry if I offended you, but I generally stand by my previous comments. I don't mean to discourage you, and I'm definitely NOT against DIY. I'd still suggest that if you have different speakers in each box that you will get different results from each box, even if the crossovers are the same.
If we refactor your situation, we might be able to find a different and compromising path. For that $90, you could get pretty close to some rather nice bookshelf speakers. I think the Infinity Primus will fall in that range, and for <$200 you can get many, many nice bookshelf speakers from PSB, Paradigm, probably B&W, etc. That will take care of most of your problems with imaging, and overall sound quality. I know you said it's not easy to get new speakers (wife, I understand), but it's just a suggestion. And I do believe you could to it for relatively the same price you've already paid for the crossovers alone, if it's a budget thing.
Then, we can keep the DIY angle going, since you are interested in that. Since I recommended bookshelves, you'd need something to fill in the low end. You could take whatever drivers you have in your current boxes, and make them into a sub of sorts. I believe that a DIY sub is much, much easier to implement than a full-range speaker. Since it's easier, your probability of success will be much higher, and therefore your satisfaction will be higher. You could build a cool box, use passive or active crossovers, and learn a lot in the process.
Anyway, just some suggestions.