Looks like you have 5.1.2 with Top middle overhead speakers. If you move to 5.1.4 you would ideally want to move to using Top front and top rear overhead speakers. go to the pdf link shadyJ linked to and find page 18. Now measure the angle from your head while seated to the back corner. if it is between 125- 150 degrees (see the bottom right diagram on page 18) then you could place a down firing speaker on the ceiling at the back of the room. To work out this angle just measure the distance from your ears to the wall and the distance to the ceiling from your ears (when seated).
Then go to this website:
change the first drop down to angle and the second to Hypotenus side and then fill in opposite side and enter inches/cm to the ceiling you measured and in the adjacent side enter the inches/cm to the back wall. This gives you an angle (ignore the second angle B and only look at the top angle figure) but it is a backwards angle so you need to use a calculator and type 180 - [Angle] to get the final angle you want
If the angle is less than 125 degrees then you don't have enough back wall room to be in spec and have to move the couch forward...
Also have to repeat these angle steps to find the position to move your top middle speaker to a top front position.
Another option if the angle is less than 125 degrees and you can't move the couch is to move to a Front Height and Rear Height speaker setup. Then you can place the Rear Height speaker near the top of your rear wall angled slightly down and it needs to be at an angle of 135 - 150 degrees which you can get by dropping it down the wall a little. For the front you can use a front height height channel if you can get it between 30 - 45 degrees (check page 34-35 of the dolby pdf above). If the front wall is too far away you could go with a ceiling mounted Top Front setup (30-55 degrees) along with your rear height but you have to make sure your AVR supports this setup.
Also before you make this setup permanent I would try and make the speaker placement temporary somehow so you can try what works best before you install the speakers and hide the cables etc.