I receintly purchased an Asthetics Rhea to add to my existing system. That system includes a VAC Avatar SE integrated tube amp pushing VonSchweirkert vr-4jr in bi-wire configuration. The input devices include an Ayre C5xe, a VPI turntable w/Graham 2.2 arm and Lyra Skala stepped up 4 ohms through an EAR MC3 coil. Eventually I may also bi-amp this sustem.
The Rhea will replace the EAR MC3 and use one of the aux inputs on the Avatar.
I am considering a new pre amp. If I go to a bi-amp setup I have a McIntosh MC 7200 to push the bass modules.
I'm looking for advice regarding a pre amp. I'm considering implementing one of the following: Ayre K5x, Asthetics Calypso or BAT 3ixSE.
Other pre amps will also be considered.
Does anyone have a similar configuration or have advice on this situation?