That wasn't clear (I was going to ask that actually), and that is a different story. That may have to do with your settings and/or connections then.
Bear with me, gotta go through the possibilities:
First: do you have the sub set to "on" or "yes" in the receiver's setup menu?
Are any/all of your speakers set to small?
What do you have your crossover set to in the receiver?
What are you using as a source or does it do this for all sources? (DVD, CD, SAT, etc...) How are they connected? Digital or analog?
Have you calibrated the system? One thing you might look at are the settings for the sub's level - what do you have the receiver's sub level setting vs what is set on the sub's gain? Try turning up the receiver's level until the sub "sees" the incoming signal. This is usually a problem when a sub does not get sufficient input voltage to turn on. If the sub has a R&L input, you can also use a Y splitter to increase the input voltage the sub "sees".
*edit Did you run the auto setup function? If you did, you might take a look at the settings made by the receiver and/or run it again. The sub's gain and the subsequent setting the receiver sets are interactive. Setting the sub's gain too high will result in the receiver sometimes dropping the level or setting it further away than it actually is in it's setup to get the level right, so look at your setup and see what it did. If either of those are the case, adjust the sub's gain (volume) and run the calibration again.