Are you a Hi-Fi enthusiast?

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Audioholic General
  1. 1.
    of, used for, or relating to the reproduction of music or other sound with high fidelity.
  1. 1.
    a set of equipment for high-fidelity sound reproduction, especially a radio or phonograph.
Joe B

Joe B

Audioholic Chief
Yes.......and Yes/No.

This is kind of a "loaded" question. Depends on how you're using it in a sentence (Ludwig Wittgenstein: words get their meaning through their use).

As an "adjective" I would have to say yes. I am a hi-fi enthusiast because I love the reproduction of music with high fidelity. Therefore, yes, I am enthusiastic about the reproduction of music in high fidelity.

As a "noun" I would have to say yes, but it must be qualified, because I am not enthusiastic about equipment as such. Let me explain.

Like everyone else here, I love my music. My "hi-fi" exists in my home to reproduce music as well as my budget will allow (and I know high cost alone doesn't mean quality). Don't get me wrong, I like the equipment I have and I feel proud and lucky to own it. Proud? Well, I spent a lot of time doing my homework to spend $X to get the best sound I could for $X, so I'm proud I did a good job. I took the time to research, drove hundreds of miles, and auditioned a variety of products. I'm proud I put the effort into such an important purchase. But am I enthusiastic over equipment? The answer is no. To me, the equipment is a means to an end. Sure, I look to see what's out there, and in fact tonight I drove 3 hours round trip to hear a set of speakers. But do I desire, crave, or lust for a better hi-fi? Am I looking to replace and upgrade constantly? Is my focus when listening to music on the music, or is it on its reproduction? When I listen, am I enjoying the artists making the composers work come alive, or am I listening to how awesome my hi-fi reproduces the sound? Like I said, the answer is both yes & no.

This also makes me thing about what "critical listening" means. Critically listening to the sound reproduction? Or critically listening to the performance that was captured? Depends on what you're listening for.

As you can see, I've just used 8 question marks in my obviously I really don't have any answers, so please don't take offense to my remarks. I'm really not worth your effort. My first degree was in philosophy. It took me several years to realize that what was really important was not having the answers, but asking the right questions. Thought provoking?
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Audioholic Samurai
If I were to skip 50 posts, I'd just say I'm starting to get the feeling that you like/enjoy being attacked or insulted. (but I'm not saying this to insult you, cross my heart...) It's just the battles you choose that make me think this way.
Joe B

Joe B

Audioholic Chief
I checked back to this post to see if anyone had clicked on the hyperlink (philosophy) and had a good laugh. Instead I find two posts which, I must say, are about as worthy as a kid pocking another kid with a stick.

"Initial post lacking direction"--What, he can't even make a post, asking a question? (and I'd bet dollars to donuts that that last question is going to get everyone going) My comment that it was a "loaded" question was to acknowledge that the question was ambiguous. From what little I know about eljr (only inferring that I know anything at all about him because I don't.....except his tastes in music from what he posts on the other threads), I believe he wanted to see how the question was gong to be interpreted and answered. In education, this is called asking a leading question.

I believe there are those "hi-fi" enthusiasts who love their music first and see their equipment as a means to an end. And, there are those "hi-fi" enthusiasts who love their music and love their audio equipment. I believe (again, only an inference) that eljr wanted to get a discussion going that might flesh this out.

The level of tolerance on this forum has degraded tremendously, or perhaps it's been like this forever. I really don't know since I found this site doing research for the purchase of my audio system last year.

Please, don't anyone bother to post a reply to this. Goodbye!


Audioholic Warlord
eljr's original post has the topic, "Are you a Hi-Fi enthusiast?" I think this deserves the Captain Obvious Award. This award has long been dormant around here, but perhaps we should revive it. In case the captain or his lieutenants are reading, the answer is "Of course, the title of this website Audioholics, as well as much of its content, should make that obvious."

Why did eljr have to ask this? So far, his posts have largely focused on arguing with several AH regular posters about the ethics of selling high priced cables for audio use, or how many classical recordings he has. They seem to feature how poorly he thinks of the commonly accepted beliefs on AH, and how he feels aggrieved by those who disagree with him.

I did a quick word count and they mention or repeat these words: malice (4), insult, insulting (3), bias (2), tribe, tribal (3), troll, trolling (2), hypocrisy (1), immature, childish (1). I think they take an obvious direction – he is deliberately posing as someone genuinely offended by those who disagree with him. His purpose may be to win prestige points among his audio subjectivist friends by counting coup among their opposition, the audio objectivists. We've seen this behavior before. However, I could be wrong; he might actually be as thin-skinned as he seems.

It could make a great drinking game. Get eljr to say one of those words and everyone drinks up. But if eljy really wants others here to take him seriously, I suggest he make a positive contribution to discussions on AH, and quit trying to provoke others.


Audioholic Slumlord
I unblocked eljr because I can't escape the many, many post quotes he antagonizes so I gave up. If I'm reading the quotes I might as well have context to go with it. Then I find this...

I fear this poor, misunderstood, cable justice warrior-genius is just going to say he's being ostracized from the tribe because we simply can't comprehend his superior "outside the box" thinking. I have an idea. Why not use that keen intellect to learn how to communicate with us lesser folk without rubbing everyone the wrong way?

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off the Xbox forums to start a thread titled "Do You Like Video Games?".


Audioholic General
In the past I was an 'audiophile' but over time, that description as taken on a new meaning, so now Hi-Fi enthusiast seem like a good choice.


Audioholic Jedi
I'm a Home Theater Hobbyist.

Home theater (music, video, electronics, speakers) is my hobby, and I've spent way too much money on this hobby. :D


Audioholic Warlord
I'm a Home Theater Hobbyist.

Home theater (music, video, electronics, speakers) is my hobby, and I've spent way too much money on this hobby. :D
Right there with you. I'd add video games to the list. Home theater video gaming is pretty sweet.


Audioholic Jedi
Right there with you. I'd add video games to the list. Home theater video gaming is pretty sweet.
Maybe I would be interested in video games if I were any good at video games. But I suck 100% on video games. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
I really don't care much whether someone wants to call it "audiophile, "enthusiast", "hifist", etc.. Whatever makes me a guy who loves good, clean sounding music, big speakers and lots of power.

I know I'll never be called "That guy who spends a fortune on interconnects and audiophool cables to improve his sound".


Audioholic Jedi
If someone walked up to me and said, "Are you an audiophile?"

I would say, "Yes". To me it just means someone who loves audio/video/home theater. :D


Audioholic Samurai
I have never been good at labeling myself. Even with an obvious one like having audio as a hobby.
But, I do understand something about small groups of people and how small groups of people relate to each other. Small groups of people can also be labeled. A recent label tossed around for small groups of people is the word "tribe".

It is an apt word or label. And if one is going to toss around a "tribe" to describe a small group, one should also understand tribal behavior. Being a member of a tribe has some expectations. One for instance might be when you show up to tribal meetings around the campfire, you don't start making acquaintances by pissing in the campfire.


Audioholic Samurai
@Joe B Boy will I feel stupid if it turns out I read your comment wrong:oops: You said you found TWO posts that are kid poking kid... etc. I guess one was mine, so give me a chance.

Look, I'm not just posing when I say; I don't mean to insult eljr. I really don't. And I would still like to hear some of his thoughts, namely the ones he holds his top thoughts - no fingers crossed in my pocket.

It was me who offered an arbitrary division of audio folks to try and make a point. I didn't do this to provoke anyone. I was sharing what I noticed.

Lo and behold, few days later the biggest opposer to what I wrote is starting a thread asking people here could they see themselves in one of the categories I proposed. It's just silly, let's not play dumb.

I wasn't poking him. The crusade he is on is just so unnecessary.


Audioholic Samurai
I love listening to music on a good sounding system. If you want to call me an audiphile or a hifi-ist or hifi enthusiast, go right ahead. I am just interested in getting the best sound I can for me at my budget.


Audioholic General
I checked back to this post to see if anyone had clicked on the hyperlink (philosophy) and had a good laugh. Instead I find two posts which, I must say, are about as worthy as a kid pocking another kid with a stick.

"Initial post lacking direction"--What, he can't even make a post, asking a question? (and I'd bet dollars to donuts that that last question is going to get everyone going) My comment that it was a "loaded" question was to acknowledge that the question was ambiguous. From what little I know about eljr (only inferring that I know anything at all about him because I don't.....except his tastes in music from what he posts on the other threads), I believe he wanted to see how the question was gong to be interpreted and answered. In education, this is called asking a leading question.

I believe there are those "hi-fi" enthusiasts who love their music first and see their equipment as a means to an end. And, there are those "hi-fi" enthusiasts who love their music and love their audio equipment. I believe (again, only an inference) that eljr wanted to get a discussion going that might flesh this out.

The level of tolerance on this forum has degraded tremendously, or perhaps it's been like this forever. I really don't know since I found this site doing research for the purchase of my audio system last year.

Please, don't anyone bother to post a reply to this. Goodbye!

PM me or find me on another site, we need to share music impressions/thoughts.



Audioholic General
OK, I am gonna bow out.

I will just say that it's hard to imagine that one is not a hi-fi enthusiast if they post and follow audio boards.

Look at the definition of hi-fi, (this is not nebulous, it's cut and dry) we all know what enthusiasm means.

Now I offer you the definition of an audiophile.


  1. a hi-fi enthusiast.

So, now knowing that you are an audiophile, by definition, (so you can't say but. but, but, but...) why not get along with your fellow audiophiles?

So what if a few of the extremist objectavist's or subjectivist's mores are not followed, you are still brothers in hi-fi enthusiasm, both audiophiles.

peace all, I wish I could have done more
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Audioholic Slumlord
So, now knowing that you are an audiophile, by definition, (so you can't say but. but, but, but...) why not get along with your fellow audiophiles?
See now, here's the thing. You assume nobody knows the definition of an audiophile. I knew where you were trying to go with the first post.
So what if a few of the extremist subjectivist's mores are not followed, you are still brothers in hi-fi enthusiasm, both audiophiles.

peace all, I wish I could have done more
Those extremist subjectivists muddy the waters (and piss on the tribal campfire during meetings) with misinformation and downright falsehoods that could very well have fooled me too. I'm still angry to this day at the BB employee who convinced me I needed expensive monster cables to complement my system. I fell for a bunch of hocus pocus bs and it cost me. If I can help anyone else avoid that trap I will.

That's how I try to get along with other "audiophiles". By helping them save their money for equipment that actually matters.
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