In deciding between a Pioneer and Panasonic Plasma, one of the items that came up was that Pioneer has 2 HDMI inputs while the Panasonic Consumer has only 1 and the Panasonic Commercial has no HDMI inputs, but one can be added. I am builing my home theater from the ground up and I would like to be prepared for the future. For example, I hope to eventually get an HD DVD player and/or possibly Playstation III (with Bluray) or XBOX 360. I am also considering the Denon AVR 2807 receiver which reportedly has HDMI connectivity.
I currently have Direct TV and will convert to Direct TV HD DVR when I set up this system. My entire system will be set up in built-in's in my living room so it will be difficult to make changes (especially to the TV) once everything is installed.
My questions are:
1) Can I connect the Direct TV and eventual HD DVD player to the receiver with HDMI and then the Denon Receiver to a single HDMI input in the Panasonic plasma without losing picture quality?
2) If the answer to #1 is yes, is there another reason I would want to have two HDMI inputs in the TV?
Obviously there is a large price difference between the Pioneer (especially the Elite) as compared to the Panasonics. I will be making my decision based on more than the HDMI connection. However, this would be a factor in my decision and I would appreciate any comments.