Aquaman - Low Frequency Party



Audioholic General
Last year, I watched the 2018 Aquaman Blu-ray on a 65" Samsung TV without external speakers and it was a fun ride but I didn't know what I was missing. Yesterday, I watched it again but this time with the VMPS SuperTower III's and the Tallboy subwoofer connected. I just hooked up the Monoprice center and wanted to try it out. Ohhh my! Most of underwater scenes have this continual 16-30Hz wave going on that you don't hear as much as feel. And when you get to the fight scene with the 200 foot Kraken, the subwoofers and my left tower go into overdrive with a massive 20-40Hz ballsy grinding mantra that shakes the walls and furniture.

If you want to test out your speakers low end... this is the test disk. :D
I tested Godzilla last month - BUT it's very tame compared to this Aquaman low frequency action. The better your subwoofers low end reproduction the more you hear. All I can say is WOW.

  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis