MACCA350 said:
There has and always will be a debate about the benefits of EQ's in Music or HT systems.
Well, it is a matter of fact of what equalizer can and can not do. To claim that equalizer is not useful would amount to simple ignorance(or perhaps just bias) on the behalf of the one claiming equalizer was not useful.
An equalizer can....
- Correct very low frequency room errors.
- Compensate for baffle step anomolies in particular setups that the speaker was not designed for initially(for example: using a speaker intended for placement far away from walls, but placing it close to walls, or compensation for various acoustic properties/irregularities that may effect baffle step).
- Compensate for high frequency rolloff vs. distance(upper treble attenuates faster than the rest of the band due to the co-efficient of air; if you use a speaker at considerably longer(or closer) distance vs. what was initially intended for in the design of the speaker this is an addressable issue.
- Re-voice the speakers(some people are just 'revoicing' when they buy new speakers, so why not do it yourself?).
If you look around, you can find a debate on just about anything, no matter how rediculous the notion.