Anyone use Netflix?



Audioholic Intern
If so how long? I've got some questions about the Instant Queue thing.


If so how long? I've got some questions about the Instant Queue thing.
Been using in 2004, Was on the beta for the 'Watch Now' when they only had 300 titles.

What is it that you are needing to know?
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I've had Netflix for over a year and I've been using the instant queue a lot lately on my Xbox so I second Adams question. What's your question? ;)


Audioholic Intern
Well on the instant queue. The series that are on tv. Like ON disney Channel. The Suite Life On Desk, Wizards of Waverly Place, or any other tv series that is available instantly. My questino here is when the new episodes air and such will they appear on the instant queue? The reason I ask is the suite life on desk is new and just recently ended on december and is already on the instant thing. So, with that said do they come onto the instant queue after they air on tv?


Audioholic Samurai
I've used it since 2006. What's your question?
I have used them for over 3 years. Superb service.

There is a basic rule to follow if you intend to get as movies as possible: DO NOT return more than the number of movies on your plan, more than once a week. If you have the 3 movie plan, do not mail back more then 3 per week. This gives you 12 movies a month. If you try to exceed this amount, at first, it will work - maybe for a month. Then Netflix computers will start to 'throttle' you; this means they will start delaying mail outs for a couple of days or even 3 days, after they get your movie(s) back. It will cause the service to suck. I have tried it out several times over the years and that was the result. Follow the rule above and you will have fast, excellent service.



NetFlix streaming - instant

I have been using a year and half, 3 unlimited at a time. The only thing I don't like is the fact that they only work 5 days a week, so basically the 1 business day means the best turnaround you can get per allocated DVD is 2 per week.

Anyway, my son purchased X-box 360 Live Gold 1 yr subscription and has started streaming the instant movies. Apparently, unless you are a the minimum Netflix level there is no additional charge. before Netflix over x number of instant movies on a pC, which i never y=used. The they change the number form x to unlimited.

Good Luck!


P.S.- NetFlix is hurting Blockbuster so bad that Blockbuster has joined with another company to offer streaming.
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Well on the instant queue. The series that are on tv. Like ON disney Channel. The Suite Life On Desk, Wizards of Waverly Place, or any other tv series that is available instantly. My questino here is when the new episodes air and such will they appear on the instant queue? The reason I ask is the suite life on desk is new and just recently ended on december and is already on the instant thing. So, with that said do they come onto the instant queue after they air on tv?
No my knowledge there is not set turn around time or patern for when things get put in instant queue. It seems to be a hit or miss/as licensing/digital avaliablity exists.


Audioholic Jedi
Are you asking if new TV episodes will be automatically added to your queue if you have put the latest season of the show in your queue? If so, then I don't know the answer to that - I've never tried. Sorry.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Was a user in 2005 and quit b/c I wasn't using it efficiently. Now I have a Roku and absolutely love streaming movies/shows. As Midcow stated, you have an unlimited number of movies/shows that you can stream in any month. Plus, you can watch pieces of multiple movies at once without having them out on loan. This is great for bedtime viewing! :D


Well on the instant queue. The series that are on tv. Like ON disney Channel. The Suite Life On Desk, Wizards of Waverly Place, or any other tv series that is available instantly. My questino here is when the new episodes air and such will they appear on the instant queue? The reason I ask is the suite life on desk is new and just recently ended on december and is already on the instant thing. So, with that said do they come onto the instant queue after they air on tv?
I know with Heroes that with the 'Watch Now' feature, episodes are available shortly after airing to add to your 'Watch Now' queue.

Availability is most likely determined by the licensing that Netflix has arranged for each series.

I think common sense would dictate that shows aren't available on Watch Now before they air on TV.

*Still not sure what you are actually asking.


Audioholic Intern
U answered my question, hehe.. I have the latest easons on my queue and as new ones air then they will more than likely be available . That's all I wanted to know :D I do know some shows aren't even on instant so lol...


U answered my question, hehe.. I have the latest easons on my queue and as new ones air then they will more than likely be available . That's all I wanted to know :D I do know some shows aren't even on instant so lol...
One cool feature for TV series would be to auto add them to your instant viewing/watch now queue with an email to let you know it hit.

I absolutely love Netflix and just converted yet another person over to them.


I guess it really has to do with your local Netflix distribution center. My service is pretty lame (Orlando, FL Center). I rarely ever get new releases in a timely manner. They are alway on "long wait" and "very long wait" status. And it has nothing to do with getting them in my queue early enough. I place movies in my queue long before they are even released to the theaters. Just as an example, I've had "Terminator Salvation" in my queue as soon as it was announced and available at Netflix.

The instant view choices aren't that great either. There are very few movies that are rated above 3 stars by their own rating system.

I have "4 at a time unlimited". I've gotten to the point where I stopped putting old movies and B-movies in my queue. They would always fill the bottom choices before the newer releases. So now I end up going days without movies. Just e-mails promising to send a movie out as soon as they are available.


If so how long? I've got some questions about the Instant Queue thing.
I have had the 1 at-a-time unlimited $8.99 pm for a year now and love it,renting movies could not get any easier. :)

I have considered putting a laptop with internet by the HT,but have not got around to it yet,so I have not tried the IQ thing :)


Audioholic Intern
One cool feature for TV series would be to auto add them to your instant viewing/watch now queue with an email to let you know it hit.

I absolutely love Netflix and just converted yet another person over to them.
I'm loving it. I've had it for a week. lol. I've gotten three movies already, HAHA. and watched about 6 instantly, lol.. 1 at a time unlimited..


Junior Audioholic
I have used them for over 3 years. Superb service.

There is a basic rule to follow if you intend to get as movies as possible: DO NOT return more than the number of movies on your plan, more than once a week. If you have the 3 movie plan, do not mail back more then 3 per week. This gives you 12 movies a month. If you try to exceed this amount, at first, it will work - maybe for a month. Then Netflix computers will start to 'throttle' you; this means they will start delaying mail outs for a couple of days or even 3 days, after they get your movie(s) back. It will cause the service to suck. I have tried it out several times over the years and that was the result. Follow the rule above and you will have fast, excellent service.


I've been a NetFlix subscriber for about 5 years now and have never ever found this to be the case. I am on the 8 movie plan, and they send them to me as fast as I return them. As long as I get them in the mail by 5:30, they're counted as returned by about 7am the following day and they immediately send new movies out. It's not uncommon to cycle through 24 in a week. This has been the case for me in Virginia and Colorado.

Maybe it's just certain plans that they do this with.

FWIW, I have been consistently satisfied with NetFlix over the years, more so than with any other product or service that comes to mind.


Senior Audioholic
I have a question about the streaming library.

How much is there and what all is is? Just old or crappy movies? TV series?

I would give them a try I am interested in mainly streaming for my Tivo but they want you to pay first before they will let you see if they even offer anything you would watch.:confused::mad:


Audioholic Samurai
I've been a NetFlix subscriber for about 5 years now and have never ever found this to be the case. I am on the 8 movie plan, and they send them to me as fast as I return them. As long as I get them in the mail by 5:30, they're counted as returned by about 7am the following day and they immediately send new movies out. It's not uncommon to cycle through 24 in a week. This has been the case for me in Virginia and Colorado.

Maybe it's just certain plans that they do this with.

FWIW, I have been consistently satisfied with NetFlix over the years, more so than with any other product or service that comes to mind.
I have had the 3 at a time, 4 at a time, 5 at a time, 6 at a time and 7 at a time plans, and now have the 6 at a time plan(for the last 1.5 years or so). In the past, many other people have also noticed and logged/documented the throttling phenomenon. I presume they still do the same thing, though I have not bothered to try to 'test' them out again in the last year. I have no idea how you could have avoided the issue unless they somehow flag 8 at a time as 'super high priority' customer or something.


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