A shop in my town sells them. They only carry decent to premium stuff like Infinity, McIntosh, Paradigm, Monitor Audio, etc.. They have a 5.1 system for $700 CAN reg 1400 CAN (for the componenets separately) so I was thinking of picking up the set. From what I can tell, they are not the cheapest price out there but the sound quality and the build quality are pretty good.
I was also suspicious. He explained that at any given time, there are 8000 speaker manufacurers and only 1000 or so are well known. Only a couple of hundred are reviewed and the amount of advertising done is directly proportional to peoples expectations. He pulled out some spare parts from the back room and it looks as though they are really well built. The drivers are by no means low end.
He compared the towers with some Monitor Audio (999 - Sinclairs, $2,000 for the Monitor Audio Silvers) and I couldn't hear much of a difference although the Sinclairs were a little bassier and the Monitors were a touch cleaner for mids & lows. Not worth 2x the price difference IMO.
I was also going to post a "ever heard of these" thread, so if anyone else has any experience with these, please let us know.