Anyone else swap the drive on their PS3?



Audioholic Jedi
I am running a little low on space lately on mine, so I picked up a new hdd (250G for $60, Seagate :) ). Drive installed very easily on mine, however the restore did not go so well. I got an error during the restore, though it looked like everything was there. When I go to run any of it though, it all fails - games, saved games, etc... appear to be there, but everything that I put in is as if I had never played it. Settings and themes seem fine. I am going to swap the original back in and see if I can't grab my recent game data and saves so I can at least copy those back over.


Audioholic Overlord
Am I correct in assuming you backed up your save data on to an external drive before removing the original 2.5" SATA from the PS3?


Audioholic Jedi
Yes, I used the backup feature to my USB, but I also have straight copies of game data and saves but the save data isn't up to date for the games I recently picked up. Watched that video, and that is exactly what I did, and as I said the disc works fine, but the restore did not. If I put a game in now, it works fine and saves, but anything that was on there besides my settings and themes didn't work and it gave me one folder from a game that said "corrupted data". Because I have all of my older game data backed up on the USB, I am not too worried about it, but I had Little Big Planet completed with a bunch of add-ons and was just about to finish Prince of Persia :(
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Audioholic Spartan
What did you think of Prince of Persia? It only took me about a week to finish. It was kinda fun at first, but got VERY repetitive after healing a couple of fertile grounds. I doubt I'll play it again. At least I only paid $39.99 for it.


To get back to to thread originator's original question. Yes, I swapped it the week it came about about what... 2years ago. I threw a 160 gb drive in it, just because. It's not like there's any content to put on it. And I have LINUX running on one of the partitions, not bad except for when I hooked it up HDMI then I had trouble with my Logitech Cordless Media Board for the PS3.
Linux runs great on it though, and actually use that once in a while, especially when guests come over.



Audioholic Jedi
What did you think of Prince of Persia? It only took me about a week to finish. It was kinda fun at first, but got VERY repetitive after healing a couple of fertile grounds. I doubt I'll play it again. At least I only paid $39.99 for it.
I liked it, but same thing. Not enough variety and short is the drawback, but still fun. I have been downloading a lot of movie rentals, so I can use that space :)


Audioholic Jedi
I think I figured it out, and I am not sure how to fix it. I may have to pull the drive and reformat it outside of the PS3. One thing that didn't quite come across right was my user account - When I created the new one, it didn't exactly match my previous one so now none of my saved data is valid for that profile. It is there on the system, but when I log in to certain games it says "data copied from another profile". Oh well, live and learn. No big deal, I willl just have to replay my recent games :)

Currently playing: Dark Sector $9.99 at


Audioholic Spartan
Hey John,

Where'd you get the $60 Seagate drive, and is 250GB the biggest you can go in the PS 3?


Audioholic Jedi
I am not sure there is a limit; I have seen people with 500G. There was a 1.5TB SATA drive (2.5"?) at Frys for $129 this week!!! I got the 250 at BB, discounted (brand new).


Audioholic Spartan
I am not sure there is a limit; I have seen people with 500G. There was a 1.5TB SATA drive (2.5"?) at Frys for $129 this week!!! I got the 250 at BB, discounted (brand new).
Would you be able to download BD's to the HD?


Audioholic Jedi
Haven't tried, but I don't think there is a feature for that yet.


Full Audioholic
Can you add a drive w/o swapping?

Can you add a hard drive to a PS3 via USB connection?


Audioholic Jedi
Can you add a hard drive to a PS3 via USB connection?
Yes and no. I have a 320G external hooked up to mine, but you can't save certain things to it such as downloaded movies and games, so it is only of limited benefit.


Audioholic Jedi
I used it to do the backup of the PS3. Previously I would copy my saves over to the disc for games I was not playing to save space, and any downloaded video clips from PSN that I felt like saving I copied to it, but mostly I use that drive to store music.

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