I DVR'ed these a couple of weeks ago to see if I could pick up any ideas. Danny Graves' setup was pretty sweet. Leskanic's was pretty impressive as well, though for the kind of dough he plunked down, he could've gotten some more comfortable seating. Alex Trebeck's was very nice also. Not my style, but it was well done.
There is some good information on those shows for folks starting from scratch as well as those just getting into home theater. I do think it's a little ridiculous that on the DIY channel the one home owner they follow throughout the shows is a fairly expensive setup (e.g., sound dampening insulation & flooring, RBH 5. 2 or 7.2, can't recall which, etc.). Granted, they did give some suggestions on cheaper solutions than what they were doing, but they were few and far between. Maybe it's just me, but I thought it might be more geared to those with more realistic budgets than two MLB pitchers, a famous game show host and a regular Joe with about a 50,000.00 budget...
Good shows, though. I may see if I can burn these to VCD/DVD for later reference when others need some ideas... -TD