We sgned up a ew weeks ago and just got around to using it.
First off, there's no charge to enroll and there's no monthly charge. You simply register a credit card and pay for movies as you rent them. You register each device separtely, but it all gos to one account. bonus: You get a $6 credit (good for a month) for each device registered.
Prices (rounded) vary from $4 for SD, $5 for HD and 6$ for HDX.
WE use a Sony wireless connection. HD came in very clear and with stunning 5.1 sound. I tried an HDX and, Holy Schneikes, the PQ was incredible! ...almost BR quality.
But, the downside is that our lowly wireless connection couldn't support the stream need for this quality and it kept buffering until we "downgraded" to a lower resolution.
End result: I ran a cat5 connection to out LAN. PQ is that good.
Since it's basically free to try, why not give it a go? I did and don't regret it.