I've searched the forums to make sure and STILL don't see an answer on Denon Link supporting SACD. It seems the answer is always around the corner.
Please excuse my ignorance, but I guess I'm also curious as to how it helps or what benefits it offers. Some questions:

I know it sends the signals digitally, so the receiver (in my case the 3805) does the D/A conversion. But isn't it likely that the D/A conversion in a $1,000 player is at least as good as a $1,000 receiver?

I've read that it offers better bass management. What EXACTLY does it offer? Different management for SACD than DVD-Audio? Different crossover points for different speakers (as opposed to the 3805 receiver's "ALL @80Hz"... or "ALL @100Hz", etc?

Is there any actual audio difference between using the 5.1 analog connections of a player such as the 2910 VS. the Denon link of a model such as the 3910?
I had ben planning on getting a 3910 to match my 3805 receiver, but I'm really beginning to wonder exactly what I would be missing if I went with the 2910 instead for half the price.
I'm sorry for the ignorance I'm howing here, I just can't find a simple couple of paragraphs on EXACTLY the benefits on using Denon Link. You'd think Denon would write something up so they could tout it's features... unless they're not all that impressive and Denon wants to keep the info a little "fuzzy"!! I really wish Denon at least had a comprehensive comparison chart between the two players. If they're not going to adaquately explain Denon Link, at LEAST make some other differences clear.
Wo, I sound like an undecided voter....