Lucas, I accept your apology. You're not the first vendor to shill his company here, and you won't be the last. Will you have the balls to stick around since you got busted? Our opinion of Savard will be formed based on Savard's products, rather than its business manager's lapse in judgement. Don't worry about that.
There's nothing wrong with a little nostalgia, right? Sure, crate speakers gave little thought to sound stage, baffle step compensation, phase matching at the crossover point, crossover design in general, or a flat frequency response. They were all about loud with a dash of hearing loss. Rock on.
The bad image we have is from Savard's past products, from when American speaker design was horrible across the board. We'd say the same stuff if you'd posted a pic of a 1980's Cerwin Vega or Pioneer crate form factor speaker. But look at... well, look at Pioneer now, kidnapping Andrew Jones and torturing him into designing great low-budget speakers for them. The audio industry has learned a lot since the hair band / piss off your neighbors days, right?
Savard does have plans that involve a little more refinement and class, right? If so, then I strongly suggest updating your company logo. Your current one makes me think of
Or is this to be same stuff, different millenium? If it is, then look, there's a reason crap like that isn't popular anymore. You aren't filling a niche market. You're resurrecting something better left dead.
For what it's worth, this forum focuses primarily on home audio -- 2-channel hifi and home theaters. Your website seems to focus more on pro audio and car audio, neither of which holds much of our interest. Now, if you happen to develop a line of low Fs, low Qts subwoofer drivers at reasonable price points and you publish their Thiele-Small parameters, that sort of thing would probably do more to pique our interest. If you do, I hope you'll resist the temptation to emblazon your hair band company logo on the dust cap.