Any suggestions appreciated



Greetings everyone,

My first post. I have to be honest, I am quite often lost by the "lingo' that is tossed around with such ease and expertise. I have almost completed my room and I am doing research on DLP/Plasma LCOS etc. I will probably not be able to afford my tv until 06. My room is rectangular, approx. 11' 6" x 17'. Not a lot of space. I currently have and will use for my surrond an Onkyo HT-S500. I like the system and with a nice complimentary tv will serve my needs well.. (sorry to ramble). My question is this, if you are not a professional, and have aquired such knowledge; can anyone recommend a good book for beginners on setting up a home theater? Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the knowledge I have gleaned from this site in the few weeks I have viewed it, but can anyone recommend a book that they feel was indispensible in helping them gain knowledge in this area. Keep in mind, I am new to this, and need something for the layman. Thanks for lettin my ramble


Audioholic General
mmmm... book.... even Giles the librarian quit using those in the final season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

go to and use their connection guides. if you can ignore all the advertising hiding the real information, it's a pretty decent generic reference.

they do sell a paperback version that doesn't have advertising for $ 12 or order any couple of items and they toss it in free. it comes with some real cool stickies that you can use to mark the ends of your cables and interconnects with.


Senior Audioholic
I like Crutchfield as well, but the book is just a recap of the website, and often not as deep as the site. I prefer their website.

I did a search, found a couple of sites, and spidered around for a while. My whole list of reference sites filled up a couple of screens on my favorites tab for IE.

And I kept coming back the to the best....... Audioholics.


Audioholic Ninja
Why pay for a book when you can get FREE advice here, tailored specifically to your budget, your room, and your equipment? Post specs, some specific questions, some budget numbers, etc., and you should be able to get plenty of info.


thanks for the advice

Thanks everyone who responded to my first post. I will post my room specs as well as any additional questions that come up. I will also continue to view the forum, I think in all my years of web searching, this is one of the best sites I have ever found. Joe


Audioholic Warlord
I still have a copy of "Home Theater For Everyone" laying around that I turn to occassionally. It has some good stuff in it, especially for some of those nagging questions you may have. It can help you with room layout and everything you need to know really and make you sound much more like a pro as well as helping you figure out what you want to look for and listen for in equipment.

This link should (MAY) work:

  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis