Any jRPG fans around here?



Audioholic Ninja
I can't really consider myself a "modern" gamer. Try as I do, the concept of killing my friends online doesn't interest me because I already know i'm better, nor does the concept of being killed by uber skilled asians on the other side of the owrld because I already know they're better. Mainstream online games like CoD / Halo / Starcraft/ WoW etc aren't for me.

I do love games though. Action adventure is my 2nd favorite genre.... But what's my favorite? JRPGs! Those silly little games where there's still random encounters, of course! Who here's a fan of games like Xenogears, FFVI/VII/VIII/IX/X/XIII, Chrono Trigger, Tales of the Abyss(best game ever minus the load times/glitchyness), Legend of Zelda, Disgaea, Shadow Hearts, Persona, Kingdom Hearts, Tales of Symhonia, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia, Phantom Brave, Valkyria Chronicles, Valkyrie Profile, Shin Megami Tensai, Ar Tonelico... matter of fact it's the epic orchestral soundtracks in some of those games that got me into hi fi in the first place. More importantly, I'm so prone to getting drawn into the silly little quests and wanting to find out the 2 hours of text backstories of all the characters and having the best equipment. I love JRPGs. The "Granteed" part of my name is from a jSRPG called SRW:J btw.

Anyone else into this (dying) genre over here?


Senior Audioholic
Man, some of those games you brought up bring back a lot of memories. I still remember a lot of their music. Some of my favorites were the Final Fantasy Series (Part 3 -american version, is one of my all time favs), Chrono Trigger, Breath of Fire series, Skies of Arcadia, Mario RPG, Zelda, Dragon Warrior, just to name a few.
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
I have a ton of jrpgs for the ps2, and a few for the modern consoles. I just don't have time to play any of them, but I wish I did.


Audioholic Samurai
I'm getting ready to start FFVII that I have download from PSN then move right along to FFXI, didn't like VIII. Hoping to see The Legend of Dragoon over on PSN soon, so your not alone in your love JRPG's.


Audioholic Samurai
The whole minimog card game was one aspect of the game I did not like.


Senior Audioholic
I'm getting ready to start FFVII that I have download from PSN then move right along to FFXI, didn't like VIII. Hoping to see The Legend of Dragoon over on PSN soon, so your not alone in your love JRPG's.
FFVII is a great game. Cloud kicks some butt.


Audioholic Ninja
I loved VIII. In a sense it was somewhat corny, the battle system made things a bit too easy if you figured some tricks out, and some of the plot threads were poorly written but it was charming and sweet in its own way.

I've never even played XI tbqh, everything about it just screams "EverQuest Japan". If you meant IX (which you may have) then that's a nice one. Not my favorite but it was fun. My favorites in that series were VIII and VI. Speaking of FF, Final Fantasy Versus-XIII looks amazing. I can't wait for that one. My most anticipated jRPG though is an english version of Tales of Graces =(


I love RPGs, not necessarily "traditional" (aka turn based) JRPGs. I tend to prefer Action/Adventure J/RPGs - same deep story just not turn based (ie <3 my copies of .hack//G.U.). I wish I still has access to a Wii, I was around halfway through Twilight Princess and loving the story.

But I'll second the time issue, a good RPG will take 40-50+ hours to play through. I tend to need to sit down and play them straight through uninterrupted except by maybe sleep.


Full Audioholic
I am replaying through Golden Sun at the moment in anticipation of the new one coming out next month :D


Senior Audioholic
I am replaying through Golden Sun at the moment in anticipation of the new one coming out next month :D
Now that brings back some memories...great game. I had no idea a sequel was coming out. What console?


Audioholic Ninja
Now that brings back some memories...great game. I had no idea a sequel was coming out. What console?
The third game in the series, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn is supposed to come out for the Nintendo DS within the next two months around the world, and is already out in Japan.

It was a fun, although the characters were very bland from what I remember. Bland as in "Hi, I'm Mia... ..... ..... .... I'm going to join your party".

Hopefully the third game adds some... character to the sprites.


Senior Audioholic
I'm getting ready to start FFVII that I have download from PSN then move right along to FFXI, didn't like VIII. Hoping to see The Legend of Dragoon over on PSN soon, so your not alone in your love JRPG's.
FFVIII seems very polarizing. FFVII never interested me one bit, but FFVIII, I wasted many hours playing that one.

Wasn't Legend of Dragoon that old Sega Saturn game? I think I still have that console in a box somewhere along with the JRPG Magic Knight Rayearth based on the Anime of the same name.

I started playing Chrono Trigger on the DS a month ago or so. Good game, but I sure wish I had a bigger screen to play it on. I think I'm going blind staring at the DS screens.


Audioholic Ninja
I`m listening to the Original Soundtrack of The Legend of Zelda: Majora`s Mask right now and this is off the hook. The N64 and TV speakers could not do this justice. Listen to Ikana Castle and Stone Tower Temple themes.


Audioholic Samurai
FFVIII seems very polarizing. FFVII never interested me one bit, but FFVIII, I wasted many hours playing that one.

Wasn't Legend of Dragoon that old Sega Saturn game? I think I still have that console in a box somewhere along with the JRPG Magic Knight Rayearth based on the Anime of the same name.

I started playing Chrono Trigger on the DS a month ago or so. Good game, but I sure wish I had a bigger screen to play it on. I think I'm going blind staring at the DS screens.
The Legend of Dragoon was released on the PS I think the one your thinking of is Panzer Dragoon which was released on the Saturn back in 95 then re-released on the PS2 and PC. Man.... I haven't played Chrono Trigger in a long time, since I had it on the SNES now that was a fun game.

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