I am a fan of Anthem, but you might want to consider their Top end Receiver (MRX 1120) and save yourself a little investment on amps. Could always use a Parasound A31 for front and center if you really wanted to, with 11 channels of power built into the Anthem Receiver vs the 1250, it makes more sense IMO. This all depends on room size
My suggestions with GE Would be the following as I have a similar setup:
Your Numbers:
4. I would spend the extra investment and get the SupersStat 60s It has a better cabinet design and is a noticeable sonic improvement over the 50s IMO, but again these are just for surrounds.
6. The HTR 7000 work really well for Atmos
I don't have experience with your subwoofer, but looks to measure well, but at that budget I would look at some other models for comparison.