Great site! I've lurked a long time, and found lots of informative stuff. I've got a very basic setup at the moment, and I'm looking to build a system I love one item at a time. The present system:
Pioneer VSX-815, Pioneer DV-285
Athena Audition C-1, B1 mains, R1 rears
The obvious first step is the sub: I don't have one at all right now. I am leaning strongly towards Axioms for the speakers a bit down the road, and upgrading the receiver & (HD?)DVD are at least a year off.
The Canadian pricing situation, my budget and the wife veto have led me to three subs, all of which would cost me roughly the same (within about $75) to my door:
For various reasons (including shipping costs that would nuke my budget) my auditioning opportunities are basically nil. The equipment is in one corner of a 25X12X10 room (the listening position is ~8 ft away). It's in an apartment, so I will not be listening at extreme levels. Use is about 70/30 for music/HT. Obviously, I'd like something that'll sound nice with the Athenas right away and will still satisfy as I upgrade.
So, how do I decide? I've read the reviews (and the arguments) and I can't say I'm any closer. Is this a no-lose where I can flip a coin and be well-set with any of them? Are there particular strengths and weaknesses that apply to my equipment or room? Are there other subs I can consider in Canada in the same price range? Given that both are within budget, is there any reason I would choose the VTF-2 over the STF-3?
Thanks in advance