I've attached a diagram of the room and speakers. The speakers are Polk R30's and Polk R15's.
My couch is flush to the wall. This doesn't allow me to put my surrounds a few feet behind me. Is this okay for the sound? The two setups I had in mind are shown in the diagram.
1. The first surround speakers setup (red dots) would sit flush against the wall.
2. The alternative (blue dots) would be angled in and maybe down?
The thing is I prefer to do setup one if the sound quality isn't much more negatively different over setup two if any. The Polk R15s have a hole in the back for hanging up. I would prefer to use that over buying brackets to use for setup two. If you have better suggestions, please tell me.
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A little off topic here. I haven't set up the speakers yet (my first ever) and I'm still looking for a receiver (probably HK avr235). As you may have noticed, I don't have a center speaker. What I wanted to ask was, would I lose sound information without a center? Or, would the center channel info just be split between the two mains?