Ha, now I'm almost tempted to have them both!
So, if one had the choice, would the digital be better or the analog? Not so much from a personal pref of numbers over needles, but from the desired functionality?
I'd guess that the digi rolls to the next # at .5, so yes, ther's a range of -.4999 to +.49999 in there I guess. I'm no audio expert as you can probably tell, and I haven't looked at the analog scale. Is +- 1 a lot?
And what is the scale on the analog? Also a range of -10 to +10? With how much (accurate) distance between the seperate ones?
The digi has the number display but also the little bars from -10 to +10 below. True, even on 0 I won't know if it's 0-4.999 or 0+4.999, is the analog accurate enough to show me >exactly< where I'm at?
I don't mind going back to the Shack and exchanging, but only if it makes some reasonable sense in a way. I figured digi is nicer and more "modern" and it sounds like they don't even make the analog anymore? They still sell it online.
But if the experts would prefer the analog...
The extras as hold, max and min seem to be not very useful for this kind of application.