what are your mains, and have you been happy with the rotel amp? If not, why not? I have not heard the rotel yet, and am waiting for dealer to get a demo in. Currently demoing a Cary Cinema 5 (200x5) and sound quality is very good but it's 2x cost of 1095 I'm looking at. Cary also emits low hum through speakers, and it's not caused by ground problem with cable line or box as I unhooked everything and only connected receiver, dvd & amp.
Also waiting to hear from another dealer on a B&K amp to demo. My mains are Klipsch RF-7, rears are RF-5, and demoed an RC-7 center, which was great, but I watch so little tv/movies that want to put towards the amp for now. Also have heard that RC-7, and other parts of reference line will be out of production by this fall, so hoping for better deal then