right now my PA system is not as loud as my default computer speakers which are like $20. now im sure im doing something wrong, or i will be extremely dissapointed. right now my setup is
2x Peavey PR 12
1x Crown XLS2000
1x Numark M6 USB Four-Channel USB DJ Mixer
2x speaker cables
2x XLR cables
(then the usb connector for mixer to computer)
they way i have it setup (i have such little knowledge that it might be setup wrong) is; the two speakers, speaker cables to the back of the amp. using 2 channels. then 2 xlr cables from the amp to mixer. then the mixer to computer. that is all the cables im using, maybe im doing it wrong. no speakon cables im using XLR and just speaker cables from speaker to amp. maybe i should be doing something with RCA cables? now i have 2 xlr cables going into my mixer but its under one channel, is this right? any contribution would be awesome =] really want to get this worked out