Hi all i have had a few problems with my system heres the setup.
wharfedale wcd 3038 cd player
wharfedale av wav 4313 Amp = which i think is the problem here
wharfedale wcd 3039 tape deck
speaker= mission m33is upgraded from zaldtek s1000
Heres the problem since i have upgraded to my missions and i am getting a hissing noise from them its not loud but its annoying not very good as i like jazz.I have tried everything to cure the problem but now its come down to the amp i dont think its up to the job even tho it should be fine with the missions..i have got my eye these two ampsYamaha RXV357 and the Denon AVR1705 im on a budget
If any1 could tell me what the problem could be it would be most helpful. Thanx